TAKASU City near Asahikawa, Hokkaido, JAPAN

Daniel's work in Japan
Hi, I'm Dan, a Canadian liviing for the last 19years in Japan
Hi, I'm Kyoko, originally from Kyushu but I've been in Hokkaido for #years
For Kyoko and me this is our 15th year of dogsledding and our 12th year of sharing our experience and enjoyment with others.
We invite you to try dogsledding, a special Hokkaido winter sport.
We took up dogsledding as a winter sport in 1999, with just four dogs. On a minimal trail with steep hills it can be slow going.
we succumbed to the normal human desire for more speed and added more dogs. It got to be a lot more fun, and we started to give rides to our friends. And added more dogs.
I experimented with design changes to the dogsled to make it easier to ride. In 2003, we started dogsledding as a winter business. And added more dogs.
During our 12th years in giving enjoyment to our dogs and our customers, we have made improvements and added service