TAKASU City near Asahikawa, Hokkaido, JAPAN
About Reservation / ご予約につきまして
*Before submitting a reservation request please check the calendar above to see if the date and session you want is still available.
*Please include the following information: Date requested, morning or afternoon, number of persons and height ,weight and age for each and contact information. We will get back to you as soon as we can to confirm your reservation or if the time you requested is already booked, to tell you what times closest to the time you requested are still open.
*Our maximum weight for a dogsled is now 85kg. Persons over that weight can come along as a passenger and if conditions permit can ride.
*We e-mail a reservation confirmation but have been informed that some of them were not received. Spam filters maybe? Check the calendar and if your name is on the date you requested that is the confirmation.
*An instruction video in english or japanese will be shown to you before you ride. It does not take a high athletic ability to dogsled, but it does take alertness, balance and an ability to understand the instructions, both in the instruction room and on the trail. An ability to understand a shouted command in english on the trail may save you , the dogs and us from an unpleasant situation.
Please, If you are unable to get here for your reserved session,or have had to cancell your trip altogether, let us know as soon as possible.