TAKASU City near Asahikawa, Hokkaido, JAPAN

Daniel's Original Hand made Folding Dog Trike & Cart
hi! I'm Daniel. Kyoko And I took up dogsledding in 1999 and ten years since I made our first bicycle wheeled dog training cart. Ten years ago we started a winter dogsledding business, and as it expanded, so did the number of dogs we had to train and exercise. Our carts have gone thru three basic configuration changes and seven model changes.
The model displayed here is the result of all that experience and is compact, fun to ride and riden alertly, is as safe as it can be.
Folding Dog Trike

Size informatiom
when folded Highth.80cm / Width.68cm / Length. 103cm
when open Highth.112cm / Width. 86cm / Length. 158cm
Ground clearance 16cm
Good for ONE or TWO DOGS

*Colors ( Red / Blue / Black )
*disc brakes
*20" Wheels with street tire
*Foot operated quick release
*Wire Basket
Customizing Options
*Front fork suspension
*special order color
*block tire
*Fancy Basket
*Dynamo front wheel & LED light
*BMX style front handle
*Dust cover

custom model
*Colors ( Red / Blue / Black )
*servo brakes
*20" Wheels for back 26" Wheels for front with Front fork suspension
*Foot operated quick release
*BMX style front handle
*all wheels with block tire
*brush protector
*No Folding
ordered by a large musher for training his dog team (6dog)
reinforced frame
Folding 4Wheel Dog Cart

*Colors ( Red / Blue / Black )
*disc brakes
*20" Wheels with street tire
*Foot operated quick release
*Wire Basket
Customizing Options
*special order color
*special order size
*block tire
Good for 2 ~ 4 DOGS
with Experienced musher

Daniel's Original Hand made Folding Dog Cart